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Uploading pages to track

CSV formatting guidelines

After logging in Gib.ai, you are ready to create a CSV file with your webpages you would like to track.

Here are guidelines on how you format the CSV file.

To use the Add Trackers From File button, and upload CSV file with your webpages for interest.

The CSV file must also fulfill the following requirements:

  • Must end with a .csv extension.
  • Must be UTF-8 encoded.
  • Has at the top row header as follow
    • URL
    • Domain Name
    • Page Value
    • Comments
    • UK
    • CA

Four sample rows:


Each row has these columns:

  1. Which set to assign the content in this row to. This field is required and can be one of these values:
    • TRAIN – Use the image to train the model. This set should be the largest, as these images will be used to build your model.
    • VALIDATION – Use the image to validate the results that the model returns during training (also known as “dev” datasets). These images will be used by AutoML Vision Object Detection to determine when to stop the model training process.
    • TEST – Use the image to quantify the model’s results after the model has been trained (also referred to as “holdout” data). These images are used for evaluation after a model has been created using the previous two sets.
    • UNASSIGNED – These images are assigned to one of the above three sets by AutoML Vision Object Detection. Use this set tag if you have no preference about which set the images are placed in.